A DEVASTATED junior doctor is appealing for the public’s help after losing her engagement ring at Woking railway station.

Sophia Cotterell dropped the ring on the High Street side of the station at around 8am on Wednesday (12 August). She is offering a £500 reward for its safe return.

Sophia, who described herself as “frazzled” from working long hours over the weekend in the heatwave, said she had taken her engagement ring off and placed it on her lap while applying hand cream. Receiving a phone call from work as she was dropped at the station, she headed off to catch the train.

“I was in such a rush that morning I forgot I had put it on my lap and it must have fallen as I got out of the car,” Sophia said.

“After working long hours over the weekend in the heat, I was very tired and wasn’t thinking straight.”

She was halfway through her shift at the hospital when she realised she was no longer wearing the white gold engagement ring. Sophia was not able to leave the hospital until the evening when she went back to the station with her dad to see if they could retrace the ring.

“I am absolutely devasted to have lost something so special to me,” Sophia said. “My dad and I went back later that day after I finished work, searching around the whole area but we couldn’t see it anywhere.”

“Members of the public nearby even offered to help us look for it, which was really lovely of them,” she added.

No ring has been handed in at the station, and police counters are currently closed due to coronavirus.

Sophia and her fiancé, Benjamin Vergez, got engaged in September 2019 in France.

Sophia is offering a £500 cash reward to anyone who can return the jewellery to her. Anyone with information is asked to contact her on 07803 302801 or email [email protected].