A DANCE-ALONG to Disney musical songs is helping to raise funds for Woking Hospice with a live event on Saturday.

“I’m running a fundraiser for the hospice as I am currently on furlough and can’t work as a massage therapist in the Well-being Centre,” said Bisley resident Mandy Mole.

“I’m an exercise instructor and love to dance so have choreographed a set of simple dances to show-tunes from Disney musicals. These are all on YouTube and I’m asking people to donate via Justgiving.”

She said she chose songs from Disney musicals because they were well known, and she used to play the videos for one of her daughters.

“I thought other people could join in the fun workout and put it up on YouTube. Then people started sharing it and I thought this would be a good way of raising some money for the hospice, which is not getting any income from its shops and fundraising events,” Mandy said.

“There will be a live event this Saturday 13 June at 3pm on Facebook and YouTube where people can join in and dance with me at home. Please feature this and share on social media.”

* The teaching video is on YouTube under “step teach to Disney dances  to practice” – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEz2R4vPu_idVVJz5pFUdHVunxwwAaWLb

* The dance playlist is under “Disney Dance Workout for Woking Hospice” – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEz2R4vPu_idOwVtOZeYZ9PHdLxBmDceV