With the general election upon us, the Alzheimer’s Society warns that many living with dementia in Surrey may not know their voting rights and is offering advice.

No one can be prevented from voting because they have dementia, which the society says is important so people with dementia can have an equal voice in their communities.

For more than 18,900 people affected by dementia in Surrey, voting in the general election on Thursday may pose some practical challenges. 

By law, polling stations must provide extra support to help people with disabilities to vote. This includes people with dementia. Extra support could include providing ramps, large print ballot papers, a pencil grip, or lowering the writing surface to wheelchair level.

Alzheimer’s Society shares the following advice for those living with dementia and their carers:

People living with dementia may need reminders of the election date, to bring their ID, or assistance in reaching the polling station. Reach out to loved ones or those you care for to ask if they need help.

You are entitled to have someone accompany you in the polling station to help you to vote. This can be anyone who is 18 or over. If you don't have anyone who can help you can ask staff at the polling station to help.

Rachael Martin-Smith, national influencing manager, said:  “It is vital people affected by dementia and their carers understand their rights surrounding the general election and their voting options. Everyone with dementia has a right to vote. You do not need to have mental capacity to vote.

“Dementia is the biggest health and social care issue of our time, yet isn’t the priority it should be amongst decision-makers.”

If you are worried about yourself, or someone close to you, check your symptoms at alzheimers.org.uk  or call dementia support on 0333 150 3456.