WOKING Borough Council is “in chaos” according to Conservative Group leader Cllr Kevin Davis.

Reacting to the announcement by council chief executive Julie Fisher that she is to step down from the role next February, Cllr Davis cited an exodus of senior council staff. 

“Eighteen months into Woking’s Liberal Democrat administration, the extraordinarily large turnover of senior council officers is of huge concern and deeply worrying to both councillors and residents,” he said.

“Two chief financial officers (with a third leaving in a couple of months), the director of place and planning (currently replaced by a temporary officer), the legal and monitoring officer (currently replaced by a temporary officer) and now the chief executive officer herself have all handed in their resignations in the past year.

“It is apparent to all that this administration are failing to recruit and retain talented officers who can support Woking on its road to recovery.

“The council is in chaos, with no-one steering the ship. Temporary and interim officers are filling the gaps where they can, but it is clear there is no recruitment plan in place to move forward.

“This council is close to collapsing and this unacceptable situation cannot continue.” 

Ms Fisher, who joined in April 2021, will remain with the organisation until February 2024 when the council will agree its budget for 2024-25. 

Announcing the news to council staff, Ms Fisher said: “I have made the difficult decision to leave Woking Borough Council.

“It has been a privilege to lead the organisation through significant change and to serve the residents of Woking since 2021. 

“With the support of councillors and a dedicated officer team, I have led a whole-systems approach to address the significant challenges that the council faces.

“My role has been unique in respect of its challenges and demands, and has required significant energy, time and commitment.

“Having given that energy and commitment for two-and-a-half years, I believe the organisation is firmly on the path to recovery and now is the right time for me to hand over to somebody with fresh energy to continue to drive Woking’s recovery.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed working with a committed and talented team and councillors who all work in the best interests of residents and businesses, and I am very grateful for their support throughout my time at Woking.”

Cllr Ann-Marie Barker, Liberal Democrat leader of the council, added: “I want to thank Julie for her strong and effective leadership over the past two-and-a-half years. 

“She inherited an authority with unprecedented financial, governance and cultural challenges and she has been instrumental in setting the council on the path to recovery, overhauling ways of working across the organisation.

“I’m disappointed I could not persuade her to stay with us for longer, but I respect the difficult decision that she has made.

“She has put in many long hours to unravel and start to tackle Woking’s complex finances. 

“I wish her the very best for the future.”