WOKING resident Dave Fitton conquered the London Marathon in support of the National Deaf Children’s Society last Sunday. 

Dave finished the marathon distance of 26.2 miles in a time of four hours, 26 minutes. 

He has raised £5,000 to date for the charity, which supports the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families. 

Dave, 58, works for Radobank in London.

“It was an incredible day from start to finish," he said. "The support from the guys at Parliament Square was intense, absolutely brilliant to come home to, and really gave me that boost to get in. 

“I found myself racing a person dressed as a sloth most of the way round, and it was only after I finished I realised I’d beaten them – well, I couldn’t let a sloth go faster than me, could I? 

“I'm hoping to reach £4,000 on my own, but the bank will match fund up to another £1,000, so I'm absolutely chuffed to pieces that they did that."

Melissa Jones, of the National Deaf Children’s Society’s fundraising team, added: “I want to say a massive congratulations to Dave for taking on and conquering the London Marathon for us. We’re so proud of him.

“The National Deaf Children’s Society is dedicated to supporting the UK’s 50,000 deaf children and their families. The efforts of selfless fundraisers like Dave will help us to keep on doing our vital work, now and into the future.”