A CYCLIST pedalled the length of Britain in memory of his mother, to raise more than £3,000 for Woking & Sam Beare Hospices.

Chris Read exceeded his target of £2,500 while taking part in the 980-mile Deloitte Ride Across Britain, to bring his total fundraising for the charity to nearly £10,000.

He started cycling in aid of the hospice after it looked after his mother Gillian, who lived in Ashford, in her final days around Christmas 2012.

Chris said the cycle ride from Lands End at the foot of Cornwall to John O’Groats on the north Scottish coast was “pretty brutal”. The worst aspect was becoming saddle sore at the end of the fourth day, leaving four more days of painful cycling. Most of the other nearly 900 cyclists were also suffering.

“At the start each day, we all stood up as we started and then there was a collective groan as everyone sat down,” he added.

Chris said he also felt a lot of pain in his knees and the steep climbing on the first day in Cornwall was “horrific”.

“I’m never cycling there again – next time it will be by motorbike, car or coach.”

Despite the pain, Chris described the ride as an amazing adventure and an experience he would never forget.

“If you're thinking of doing this challenge stop thinking about it and just sign up. It's probably the most challenging thing you will do on a bike but the feeling at the end is just awesome.”

Chris is planning to take part in the Ride London cycle event next year. He has taken part for the past three years, raising £6,230 for the hospice.

Contributions can still be made to Chris’s sponsorship total at www.justgiving.com/fundraising/chris-read28.

For the full story get the 26 September edition of the News & Mail