A CROCHET expert is “gutted” at the removal of her latest creation decorating a postbox in Chobham.

Carol Clark has decorated the box in front of the Chobham Rider Shop in High Street several times.

She installed her first topper around two years ago, after moving to the village for a temporary stay.

She quickly became impressed with the friendliness of the village community and the crocheted tableau celebrated the busy nearby Basil and Blue cafe.

Carol’s latest creation was made to commemorate World Bee Day on May 20. The topper was damaged three weeks ago and she repaired it and reinstalled it.

Now it has disappeared and she believed it has been deliberately removed.

Another topper in the village, in front of the village hall, has also gone. It was made by Chobham artist Carlo Scarano, who died in March.

“My latest topper appears to have been stolen,” said Carol. 

“To say I am gutted is an understatement. This was my most challenging one so far, made to celebrate World Bee Day. 

“The idea behind the special day is to remind people how important bees are to humans. It took weeks and weeks to make this one.”

The base to support the topper was made by villager Jack Massarano, who was a candidate in the May local council elections.

“I’m asking for information as to what happened to the topper,” added Carol. “If it’s returned, no questions will be asked.”

Carol lived in Chobham while she and her husband looked for a house near where her daughter lives in Berkshire. She has moved but says she has continued dressing the postbox because of her love for the village.

She has also created toppers commemorating the Queen’s 70-year reign, Halloween, Christmas,  honey bees and wildflowers and the coronation of King Charles III.

“I’m currently working on a replacement topper for the one that has gone missing but it will have to be a fairly easy, temporary one,” said Carol, who started the hobby when she lived in Essex.