A MAN and woman who forcefully grabbed a woman’s handbag stole her mobile phone from her coat pocket in Woking town centre have been sentenced.

Jamie Cook and Hayley Razzell accosted the woman and ran off. A passer-by chased after them, catching Razzell and grabbing Cook’s backpack.

Police said the victim was “left extremely shaken as a result of her ordeal.” Her coat pocket was ripped as the phone was stolen.

Cook, 20, of Woodham Lane, Addlestone, was jailed for 17 months and ordered to pay a £140 victim surcharge when he appeared at Guildford Crown Court last week.

Razzell, 27, of Eden Grove Road, West Byfleet, was sentenced to 10 months’ jail, suspended for 12 months. She was ordered to carry out 80 hours of unpaid work and to pay £350 compensation to the victim, £150 in costs and a £115 victim surcharge.

 The pair initially pleaded not guilty to the robbery in Victoria Way around 10.30pm on 2 November 2017 but changed their plea on the day the trial was due to start.

Woking Neighbourhood Officer PC Sarah Wentworth paid tribute to the passer-by who chased the robbers, saying the action ensured they were both swiftly arrested and ultimately brought to justice.

PC Wentworth said: “The victim was walking home after a night out when she was confronted by Razzell and Cook. I hope that the sentences given to Razzell and Cook will help her to put the experience behind her.”