A HOSPITAL worker who was caught using his mobile phone to film up a young woman’s skirt pretended he was tying his shoelaces when confronted by her boyfriend.

Ian Newby, 41, tried to lie his way out of the incident, which took place near the London Eye observation wheel on the South Bank.

But Newby, of Wey Manor Flats, Byfleet Road, New Haw, was arrested and a search of his phone found 180 similar images of “upskirting”.

Newby, a married university graduate had also secretly filmed up the skirt of a female colleague at the Ashford & St Peter’s Hospitals NHS Trust.

Camberwell Green Magistrates’ Court was told that among his collection were other shots taken in supermarkets, toilet and changing cubicles, at a wedding and at a Scouting event.

Newby, who lost his 21-year job as a materials management co-ordinator for the trust, admitted outraging public decency at the London Eye on 28 July last year. He also pleaded guilty to the same charge at the hospitals between 20 and 25 July last year and at various other locations between 1 August 2014 and 27 July last year.

Newby was sentenced to 14 weeks imprisonment, suspended for 12 months and ordered to complete 180 hours of community service.

He must also pay £500 compensation to the London Eye victim and £750 to his former work colleague, complete 15 days of rehabilitation and pay £85 costs.

For the full story get the 22 August edition of the News & Mail