WOKING Borough Council presented its Improvement and Recovery Plan to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee this week, before it goes to full council on Tuesday (August 22).

The overview and scrutiny meeting was an opportunity for all councillors to ask questions and fully understand the plan before it is debated at full council. It then goes to government as the authority’s three-month progress report.

In her foreword to the plan, council leader Ann-Marie Barker wrote: “We are committed to becoming a council that lives within its means.”

There was discussion of the recently concluded discretionary services survey and the forthcoming consultations in which councillors are keen to have their views heard. 

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee will receive quarterly reports on the plan.

The Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) paid by developers to help fund local projects was also considered. The message remains “there is no money left” so CIL cannot be paid out at the moment. 

Funds should be made available again from February and decisions to grant CIL funding will continue to be made.