THE magnificent achievement set by Captain Tom Moore on behalf of the NHS inspired an 11-year-old boy to embark on his own fundraising quest.

Connor Haines walked the equivalent of the marathon race distance in seven days, to raise £1,040 for the Woking & Sam Beare Hospice charity.

He set out from his home in Knaphill to complete different routes around the village, walking around four miles a day and sponsored by family, friends and other supporters on the JustGiving website.

For a change of scenery his parents, Darren and Carly, took him to Virginia Water in Windsor Great Park for his daily stroll towards clocking up a total of 27.2 miles

“For those that don’t know me too well, while I enjoy swimming and the outdoor activities through Scouts, I generally am not an active kid,” said Connor, who goes to The Hermitage School at St John’s.

“I enjoy playing games on the PS4, catching up on social media and watching blogs of gamers I follow.”

But war veteran Capt Tom walking 100 laps of his garden to raise more than £32m for NHS charities prompted Connor to do his bit for a good cause. He says completing his challenge has also inspired him to become more active.

“Connor wanted to support a local charity,” said Darren, who has run in the London Marathon in support of the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice. “He did some research and found that the hospice needed funds.

“Completing the marathon distance has given him a lot of confidence in doing things by himself, and before he goes to Winston Churchill School in September.”