COMMUNITY groups in West End will benefit from around £4,000 raised by the village fete.

The money will be distributed to organisations such as the Guides and Scouts, the church and pre-school.

“About 1,000 people came to the fete despite the heat and we are very pleased with the proceeds,” said event co-ordinator Jack Kegge. 

“It was another highly enjoyable community occasion.”

The event began with a procession on the theme of Superheroes from Fellow Green to the recreation ground, led by Gordon’s School piper Han Wanmanseck.

The fete featured traditional attractions and stalls including a coconut shy, plate-smashing, beat the goalie, a tombola, bar and barbecue.

The parade prizes went to: West End Jamboree Cubs (Best Dressed), Tringham Pre-School (Best Effort), 1st West End Brownies (Most Original), West End Jubilee Cubs (Best Costume), West End Rainbows (Second Place, Most Original), West End Beavers (Second Place, Best Costume), 2nd West End Brownies (Second Place, Best Effort).