A COMMUNITY gardening group aiming to improve the local area have got the green light to transform the outdoor space at West Byfleet railway station.

The West Byfleet Community Gardening Group (WBCGG) applied to “adopt” their local station and are now on track to brighten its appearance while making a difference for wildlife.

“A century ago railway stations had raised beds and gardens and were tended to by train staff: the station was a celebration of plants and flowers that welcomed passengers to the village,” said Rebecca Bradshaw, a professional gardener, who helped set up the group and applied for the railway adoption.

“By planting up at the railway we have an opportunity to be proactive in making a positive difference to local wildlife. With fantastic support from the station manager and railway staff in West Byfleet, the adoption of the railway station is a real opportunity for the community to make the space a haven that encourages wildlife as well as increasing wellbeing for passengers.

“We are now thinking about planting and planning next steps. It’s exciting to see how we will be making a difference to the station’s appearance through planting,” said Rebecca.

The aim is to include a diverse range of plants so that natural ecosystems can flourish. Plants good for pollinators will be planted, such as English bluebells, sweet woodruff, mint, lavender and thyme.

“We are really excited to see the difference this will make to West Byfleet station,” said Fiona Brown, the station manager and sustainability lead for the area. “South Western Railway through their sustainability programme encourages and promotes the health and biocapacity of the environment of our stations, as well as supporting the well-being of individuals and communities.”

The group’s working party were provided with hi-vis jackets and a full safety briefing before beginning weeding and planting for next year.

“It’s exciting to see how we will be making a difference to the station’s appearance through planting,” said Rebecca. “Stations make up a large amount of space in many villages, towns and cities and we hope that this initiative will encourage other groups to get onboard with their local station and transform their station space into a green oasis for wildlife and for everyone to enjoy.”

For more information about the group or to follow its progress, search for West Byfleet Community Gardening Group on Facebook.