RESIDENTS are being asked to provide one final push of support to help try and secure funding for a new electric canal boat based at Woking Town Wharf.

 “The current trip boat, Kitty, is a much-loved community resource and an attraction offering thousands of visitors each year a trip down the Basingstoke Canal. However, Kitty is nearing the end of her life and becoming increasing difficult to maintain,” said Charlotte Rodgers of the Basingstoke Canal Society (BCS). 

The BCS has been very active over the past year, raising just over half the required target to secure a new electric trip boat to be based on the water at Woking. In a bid to reach their grand target, they have applied to Your Fund Surrey for a £75,000 grant, and have reached the second phase of the application.

“Now we need the community to offer their support by clicking onto the Your Fund Surrey website, answering a few questions, saying how they feel about this cause,” said Charlotte. “It only takes a couple of minutes after clicking the link”

The new boat will be better adapted to meet proven demand, as well as being ‘greener’ to operate, helping to protect the unique environment of the canal which is a wildlife haven and designated a Site of Special Scientific Interest.

“Kitty 2 will be better adapted for the less abled with a wheelchair lift and toilet designed in. This will facilitate wider community use,” said Charlotte. 

“Every penny raised goes directly to replacing Kitty because, as with everything that the canal society does, no-one is paid to crew and look after Kitty, everyone is a volunteer.”

 If you are interested in the Basingstoke Canal Society, donating or volunteering, then visit The Basingstoke Canal Society – Guardians of the Basingstoke Canal (