Two friends have climbed one of the tallest mountains in the world to raise for Woking & Sam Beare Hospice (WSBH). 

When Laura’s uncle experienced the care of the Hospice last year. She decided to take on a challenge to help raise funds and set her sights on Kilimanjaro.

Climbing the almighty mountain had been on her friend, Sophie’s, bucket list for years, and Laura had always wanted to explore Africa. The fact that it is one of the highest mountains that you can trek without specialist climbing gear made it all the more appealing.

Laura said: “We prepared for the big climb by increasing the amount and intensity of everything we normally do.

“In the six months leading up to the trip, we did several long hikes so that we could get used to spending time on our feet. It was crucial to wear in our walking boots and get used to carrying a backpack.”

The trek took Laura and Sophie six days in total. The first four saw them traverse a variety of terrain as they slowly acclimatised, but then the reality hit hard on the night of the summit. 

The physical and mental strain started to show as they set off at 3.30am, reaching the summit nine hours later. They then had to start the arduous journey back to basecamp before descending the rest of the great mountain.

Laura smashed her original target of £500, raising £1,385. Equating to 554 meals for patients in the Inpatient Unit.