A Christmas tree collection service has raised more than £5,000 for Woking & Sam Beare Hospice.

Three independent tree surgeons and their teams, from Lumber-Jacks Tree Services, The Tree Care Company and The Surrey Garden Company, all gave their time and expertise in return for a donation to the hospice. Between them they chipped their way through more than 300 trees.

The Surrey Garden Care Company were delighted to be able to support the hospice.

“When they approached us to help with Christmas tree collections we had no hesitation whatsoever,” said Donna Crittenden. “The help and support they give is absolutely amazing. We had a family member at the hospice a few years ago and we will always support them where we can.”

Lumber-Jacks also had personal reasons for lending their support.

“The hospice cared for my dad in the last few weeks of his life and really supported my mum through the difficult time,” said Jack Wyatt.

“I wanted to find a way to say thank you and to do something I know my dad would have been proud of.

“He was kind, caring and a real family man who was an amazing grandfather to his six grandchildren and the best dad to me and my sister Hannah.

“He was a great storyteller, always saw the best in people and has left a huge hole in the family home. 

“He was a timber engineer, and I’m a tree surgeon, so it seemed fitting that I did something in his memory relating to trees. A Christmas tree collection for the hospice seemed like the perfect thing.”

A total of £5,329 was raised through the efforts of the teams, who stuck to their promise despite the freezing conditions.

“It was great to see the support from the local community,” said Michelle Chantry. 

“I heard one lady shouting ‘Keep going, you’re doing a wonderful job!’ It really did give us a boost.”

Kerry Gibb, speaking on behalf of the hospice, added: “The difference people like this make to the hospice can be seen in the outstanding care that we continue to be able to give, and we are so thankful for their support.

“The £5,359 raised equates to 280 visits to patients in the comfort of their own homes by our wonderful team of community nurse specialists.

“We’ll be opening up bookings on our website www.wsbh.org.uk in November for next Christmas, so put a note in your diary to book us in to take away one of the stresses of January.”