AN affectionate nine-month-old Chihuahua is looking for her forever home after a difficult start to life.

“Cheeky Cherry came to us after living in a car with four other dogs and five cats,” said Debbie Pearce from RSPCA Millbrook in Chobham.

“She was very nervous and it has taken time for her to come around and feel more confident with people. Once Cherry knows you she is very affectionate and bonds quickly and can become attached.

“Cherry is a real live wire and has a lot of energy. She loves running around and jumping and likes to have a swim. Cherry is very good at jumping over things, so new adopters will need to be aware of how agile she is.

“She can still be unsure at first so will need to meet potential adopters a few times. She could live with a confident, similar-sized neutered female dog, depending on introductions.

“As Cherry has no experience with children she would be best in an adult home, but could possibly go to older teenagers depending on their experience with dogs.

“We are not sure if Cherry has lived in a house so she may need house-training and car travel training. She will also need someone based at home to begin with and then will need a gradual build up to being left.

“She will also need help with day-to-day life and the noises and movements in a home and when out and about because she does not have much experience with this.

“As Cherry is unsure she will need to stay on the lead so needs direct access to her own secure private garden with at least 5ft fencing. Cherry is best living on a quiet road that doesn’t have a lot of traffic and people going past.”

If you are interested in providing a home for Cherry, visit to complete an application form which will be emailed automatically to Millbrook. Please remember that application does not guarantee adoption.