A WOKING charity which provides a safe space for the children of separated parents to meet the non-resident parent, recently celebrated its 25th anniversary.

Woking Family Contact Centre (WFCC), which gathers at Woking United Reformed Church on White Rose Lane on the first and third Saturdays of each month, offers a welcoming atmosphere for children of families where communication between the parents has become painful or broken down completely.

“The centre has built up an enthusiastic team of volunteers to provide a friendly meeting place,” said Teresa, chair of WFCC.

“Preparation for contact is meticulous. Separate pre-visit meetings with each parent are arranged to identify potential risks, and the centre does not take on families where there has been a history of violence or child abuse. It works only with families where the risk factors are low.

“There are separate entrances for resident and non-resident parents. Timings of the arrivals and departures are recorded by the volunteers, who also manage the handover of the children. The parents do not meet. 

“During the session, the volunteers provide assistance as needed.”

Since the pandemic, the centre has encouraged non-resident parents to bring toys or games along to help them interact as a family, which, curiously perhaps, has worked better than when the centre put out its own toys and games, as it did pre-COVID.

Contact is in a large hall at the church, where there is space to accommodate up to six families and 14 children. Visits are booked in advance.

Agreement is required from both parents prior to contact with the child at the centre, although in some cases, such as a court order, even if the resident parent is unhappy about the contact, they have to abide by the ruling.

“The church provides its facilities free of charge, and the centre receives grants from Woking Borough Council and the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, augmented by donations from volunteers and supporters,” Teresa added. “Parents are invited to make a voluntary donation [a suggested £10 per child].”

Families wishing to use the centre can contact WFCC directly via its website www.wokingfamilycontactcentre.org.uk, which has details of the various methods of referral.

The centre is always looking for new volunteers.  Typically, this will take up about three hours on a Saturday once every six to eight weeks. 

Anyone interested should visit the same website and use the Volunteering and Support tab for more information and an application form.