Could you help

Cats Protection?

This June brings two celebrations of the amazing work carried out by people who give up their spare time to help charities across the UK.

Cats Protection will be marking these events – Volunteers Week (3-9 June) and The Big Help Out (7-9 June) – by saying a huge thank you to our 9,000 volunteers who help 157,000 cats every year.

From hands-on cat care, helping in our shops or running fundraising events, Cats Protection volunteers make an incredible difference to help cats and their owners. Thanks to them, we’re able to rehome around 30,000 cats every year, run services to support cat owners fleeing domestic abuse and those grieving the loss of a cat, and campaign for better animal welfare legislation.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life and all ages, united by a shared love of cats.

We’re always happy to welcome new volunteers, whether it’s a one-off for a couple of hours or a long-term slot. Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and make a difference in the community.

To find out more about volunteer opportunities at Cats Protection, please visit

Julie Meredith 

Head of Volunteering

Cats Protection 

A big thank you

A street collection was held at Goldsworth Park shopping centre on Saturday 11 May for Christian Aid. I am very pleased to report that Woking residents supported this collection to the tune of £226.64. There were no expenses to be deducted.

This money will be added to the amount raised by the house to house collections for Christian Aid Week, which took place in the week 12–18 May, in Woking and all over Britain.

Christian Aid works to tackle poverty in the world’s poorest countries and provides humanitarian relief. The charity helps the most vulnerable people, regardless of their faith, including people who have been displaced as a result of devastating natural disasters or conflict.

By working through partner organisations based in countries receiving aid, it does not need to send large numbers of international aid workers for its relief and development work.

Thank you very much to those who so kindly supported our collection.

Lynda Shore