THE Woking-based digital intranet software company Invotra hosted a visit by Anne Milton, the   Apprenticeships and Skills Minister.

The visit marked Apprenticeship Week and also International Women’s Day. Mrs Milton was formerly Minister for Women and met several female apprentices at the Chertsey Road offices.

Andrew Doyle, a former Apprentice of the Year, and Leonie Watson led a session demonstrating Invotra’s enABLE laboratory, which helps to improve the accessibility of computer equipment and software.

Mrs Milton used several sets of special glasses, which simulate different forms of visual impairments, so she could experience what this was like and how different products and designs could be used to improve accessibility.

The visit was organised by Alison Galvin, the Invotra HR director, who met Mrs Milton, who is also MP for Guildford, at an International Women’s Day event last year.

During the visit on Friday the minister saw a session led by Chelsea Cadd, who has completed a level 4 cyber security apprenticeship, that included a live cross-site scripting attack involving apprentices Shona McClarence in the Newcastle office, and Georgia Ashby.

The day included visits by Keith Smith, the director of apprenticeships at the Education and Skills Funding Agency, and Jonathan Lord, the Woking MP.

Alison said the visit went very well.

“It was wonderful – beyond what we thought it would be,” she said. “It has put Woking on the map.”

Alison said that Invotra software was used in more than half of all government offices and having apprentices had helped the business to succeed.

“Many of them are now heading up their areas of business and several are now part of our management.

“We have put a lot of investment into apprentices; its very multifaceted.”