PROPOSALS for 30 new homes in  Brookwood have caused outrage among residents.

The scheme at 112-126 Connaught Road would see nine one-bedroom flats and 21 two-bedroom flats rise on land currently occupied by industrial buildings which would be demolished.

Woking Borough Council’s website has received nearly 40 complaints in the last two days about the scheme.

Brookwood councillor Kevin Davis met a number of concerned residents at the site on Wednesday.

Brookwood Residents’ Association chairman Mike Peel told the News & Mail: "I have been unable to find anyone locally who has received notification by post from Woking Borough Council.

"I am appalled that local small industry in Brookwood could well be decimated and local staff have to be made unemployed in these austere times.

"This three-storey building will be an eyesore locally if it goes ahead and will be seen from all areas of Brookwood.

"It is totally out of character with the village environment. This application has clearly been drifted in over the quiet seasonal period.

"Looking at the Woking Borough Council site there have now been around 40 objections and as so many have responded I cannot imagine this will go ahead in its present form.

"They will require to go through the scrutiny of the planning committee, giving us plenty of opportunity to be prepared.

"The WBC website includes a letter from the owner of Wesson Fencing who apparently is having the ground beneath his business sold from under him.

"If this goes ahead then he will probably have to lay off staff and close his business, which is absolutely appalling."