A HORSELL artist has created a local community project to bring a little cheer to people while they take their daily exercise.

Hannah Bruce is the creative mind behind Woking Window Flower Power, which encourages residents to decorate their windows and then have their efforts positioned on a map.

“It’s really about cheering people up in lockdown, giving everyone something to smile about when they’re out with the kids,” Hannah said.

“People can contact me with their details and I’ll pin them on the map, which is on the home page of my website.

“I don’t give addresses, the locations are just added to the map so people out walking can plot a route to take in the displays.

“I’m planning to keep it there until 20 February. It’s taking off nicely, and the Brownies of Horsell are doing a window display project.”

Hannah has already taken advantage of the project herself, taking pictures of participating properties on a recent walk.

A committee member of Woking Art Society, Hannah is no stranger to organising events. She has put together a series of exhibitions and just before Christmas was behind a pop-up arts and crafts display in Woking town centre which was supported by 20 local artists.

   Although cut short by the latest lockdown restrictions, it still sold more than 500 items.

   Her latest project is close to her heart. “I’ve always had this fascination with art and maps, and trying to find ways to combine them,” Hannah said.

“Anyone interested in a work of art tends to have a serious interest in its history.

“Take a picture by, say, Picasso: In which museum is it displayed? Where was it painted? Where was the artist based at the time? What was the inspiration?  Is it a place I could visit?

“All of that additional information could be mapped alongside the painting, all adding to the enjoyment of it.

“It could be done for paintings all over the world. Global domination of the art world, that’s my aim!”

Before that though, Hannah is concentrating on lifting spirits a little closer to home.

(Red blob) TO view the map and for more details of Hannah’s art, visit www.hannahbruce.co.uk. To have your window display added to the map, email [email protected].