WOKING borough councillor Ellen Nicholson is seeking improved surface water drainage at the railway station underpass.

“Towards the end of last year we had some particularly heavy rain which I noted went down the steps of the underpass,” said Cllr Nicholson, Liberal Democrat representative for Mount Hermon and the council’s living well portfolio holder.

“I was told about people who slipped at the time, and as a healthcare professional I was thinking of slips and trips and how to minimise risk. 

“As the underpass is positioned on a slope, I wondered about ways to capture water before it goes into the underpass, such as a drainage channel at the entrance. 

“I asked council officers for advice as I’m by no means an expert on rainwater capture or planning laws, but rather was looking for a practical solution. The officers suggested a conversation with South Western Railway.”

That conversation was proposed as part of a motion presented by Cllr Nicholson to Full Council, under which the council would engage with the railway company to try to secure surface water drainage systems being retrospectively fitted to the two underpass entrances and/or “other measures to capture rainwater to reduce excess water overspill causing slips within the underpass”.

Elsewhere, the motion proposes that the council works proactively to green Victoria Square, and to introduce features such as rainwater gardens in line with the aspirations of the town centre Masterplan.

Options for managing the potential for heavier rainfall in conjunction with Surrey County Council should also be considered.

“We haven’t started a conversation with South Western Railway yet, we will wait to see if there will be additional amendments to the original motion,” Cllr Nicholson added.

“With an increasing focus of the climate nationally, there is a conversation to be had about possibilities for rainwater capture and other initiatives.”

Peter Graves, Lib Dem ward councillor for Pyrford and portfolio holder for Greener Woking, added: “I fully support Cllr Nicholson’s motion to lobby for the installation of flood prevention measures in and around the station underpass.

“This passage quickly becomes flooded in times of heavy rain and action does need to be taken. 

“As the climate warms, rain pattern predictions indicate that instances of localised flooding will increase and so such measures will be vital in keeping the main thoroughfares of the town open and functioning.”

Cllr Nicholson is keen to encourage debate among residents on the issue of rainwater collection and surface water drainage in the town centre, as well as specifically regarding the station underpass.

She can be contacted by email at [email protected].

“I will collect and collate any points made by residents for discussion with the council officers,” she said. “Residents have a bit of time to consider their response as the motion won’t be debated in council until after the local elections [early next month].”