KEEN Cub Scout Ben Inglis has found a creative way to raise money for the Woking & Sam Beare Hospices during lockdown.

“Ben wanted to raise money for the hospice by offering rainbow paracord bracelets that he had made as a thank you, in exchange for a donation,” said his mum, Vicky. “We walk pass the hospice a lot and have explained the work they do and he knew that their income may be affected by the charity shops and cafe being closed due to COVID-19.”

Ben, who lives in Goldsworth Park and attends Beaufort Primary School, has been delivering his bracelets to fellow pupils and local friends while on his daily exercise, leaving a bracelet and donation box on the doorstep. The charity-minded 10-year-old also invited neighbours to his front garden one afternoon to purchase bracelets and has now raised £200.

“We would like to say a huge thank you to Ben for this wonderful fundraising idea making and selling his bracelets, such a clever way to keep busy during lockdown,” said Rachelle Barnett, events and community fundraising manager for the hospice.

“This has been a great fund-raising project for Ben during lockdown and it has got us out and about, exploring new areas of Goldsworth Park when we have been trying to find addresses and make our door-drops,” added Vicky. “Ben plans to donate the last few remaining bracelets he has left to his school teachers.”