IT WAS out with the old and in with the new as revellers across Woking and Chobham bid farewell to 2012 in style.

Pubs and clubs were packed out as a memorable year for the nation was given the send-off it deserved.

Back in June, the whole country went street-party crazy in celebration of The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.

A month later, millions of us were transfixed by the London 2012 Olympics, followed by the Paralympics, which ended in September when Teams GB did the country proud with a mega haul of medals from both Games.

On New Year’s Eve, there was minimum trouble and maximum enjoyment as party-goers were determined to bring in 2013 with a swing.

Punters at The Anchor pub in Knaphill High Street dressed up and donned face masks for a masquerade ball.

Through a haze of dry ice, DJ Adam kept dancers on their toes until the early hours of the morning.