THE 1st Knaphill Beaver Scouts performed their sensational circus to a packed audience of family and friends recently.

The six and seven year olds had been following a circus theme for weeks, making props for the circus and learning circus skills.

They performed under an impromptu Big Top fashioned out of a parachute.

Tumbling acrobats, tightrope walkers, a strongman, magicians, lions and an elephant trainer dazzled the audience with their skills, topped off by a performance on the unicycle.

“I really liked being a lion, it was great fun,” said Beaver Emma (6).

Beaver Scout leader Tracey Daniell added: “Our Beavers have worked very hard all term with great enthusiasm. The performance was the culmination of their efforts in front of a very appreciative audience. They have loved learning magic tricks and have earned their Skills Challenge Badge by taking part.”