A BOOK by a first-time author living in West End is receiving high praise, including from Sarah, Duchess of York.

Astro Girls: Celestial Bond was written by Isha Panesar during quiet moments in her job as an administrator for a chauffeur company.

It tells the story of 12-year-old Arianna and 11 friends who discover that an asteroid is about to destroy Earth.

The 12 friends, each born under a different star sign, are given superpowers and a terrifying task, which takes them to another world, where they encounter danger and adventure.

Isha started the book in 2018 and finished it about a month ago. She found a publisher and one of their other authors is Sarah, Duchess of York, who wrote this comment that appears at the front of the book: “It’s a beautiful thing to watch a new author shine. Astro Girls is an inspiring debut novel by author Isha Panesar.”

Isha said she hadn’t previously written very much but has always had an active imagination.

“The idea for the story came to me and wouldn’t leave my head,” she said. “It just grew on me and I was just writing and writing.”

The Earth-bound parts of the book are set in Surrey and involves contact with creatures from another planet, but it wasn’t inspired by HG Wells’ The War of the Worlds, in which Martians land in Horsell.

“I’m more of a movie buff,” Isha said. “It’s written in quite a movie style and is quite visual.”

The book went on sale last week, and advance copies has led to initial discussions from the US about possible film or TV adaptations.

Isha, 33 – who lives with her fiancé Bradley Smith and their children Aiyanna and Lycan – had a fair share of difficulties in her youth.

She said the book is about adventure and astrology but also has a theme of young female empowerment.

Isha grew up in West London and after her father died suddenly when she was five, her mother was left bringing up three young children and working long shifts at Heathrow Airport.

“She made it work somehow and I will always admire how she just carried on, never giving up,” Isha said.

Isha said she was never academic, but studied fashion at Kingston College and also runs an online cosmetics business.

After college she started a relationship that became abusive and escaped after four years after watching an interview on ITV’s This Morning and getting help from a domestic abuse help group.

“I followed the advice and contacted someone I could trust, my sister. I told her what really was happening to me. I couldn't believe how hard it was to tell her. But I am glad I did because as a result my life was saved, I am so grateful.

“Now my life is filled with the happiness I never thought was possible. I have two beautiful children and a perfect fiancé.

​“No one should feel trapped in an abusive relationship. It really is possible to escape and have a second chance to live a healthy happy life.”

Isha has started writing a sequel to the first book and intends to make the series a trilogy.

“I’m enjoying it. I do research alongside the writing,” she said.

Arianna, the main character, shares a similar name to her daughter Aiyanna, who is also 12.

“She’s a real bookworm and loves the first book,” Isha said.

For more information, visit www.astrogirlsofficial.com.