Woking artist Charles Twigg is displaying a collection of 12 ink paintings in a free exhibition at Saint Columba’s House, Maybury Hill, Woking (GU22 8AB).

The exhibition is called “Exploring Creation and Nature: Can You Hear the Trees Talking?” and is free to view from Mondays to Fridays between 9am and 4pm, until Friday, 31 May.

The works are studies of trees, which Charles draws in intricate detail. He explained that he recently started working on A2-sized paper, which enables him to show even more detail. He said: “This is very large for ink work and therefore exceedingly challenging.”

Charles said that the artworks show the symbiotic relationship trees have with their surroundings. He said: “This has captivated me for many years. For example, trees and the fungi growing around their roots have a symbiotic relationship: they depend on each other for nutrients and this network also transmits warnings and other messages from tree to tree. That’s a simplification of nature’s wonderful balancing act, but important because it plays a large part in how woodland landscapes are formed.”

Charles has been exploring this relationship for the last seven years in his art. The project includes nearly a thousand works so far.

He said: “The 12 examples in this exhibition are from my most recent work and show a little of my understanding of the relationship trees have with other plant life. They are for people to look at and enjoy, with no expectation of a sale.”

Charles added: “All are welcome to view the artworks. However, as Saint Columba’s is a conference and retreat centre occasionally hosting sensitive events, it’s recommended you call the reception desk on 01483 766498 before visiting.”

Charles can be contacted on 0771 942 7962 or 01483 727834, or by email: [email protected]. He shows some of his artwork on http://theartofcharlestwigg.blogspot.com