WOKING Street Angels now have smart polo shirts to wear for the summer after a successful funding application to the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey.

By wearing the shirts, Street Angels will be easily identifiable when it is too hot to wear their hi-vis jackets.

Members of Woking Street Angels recently met with David Munro, Surrey’s Police and Crime Commissioner, to thank him for the funding. David said: “I am delighted to present these shirts to Woking Street Angels’ new recruits.

“I am proud to support the fantastic work of the Angels, and this will enhance their visibility even further in support of safer weekend nights in Woking.”

Street Angels are trained volunteers who, for the past eight years, have walked in teams in the town centre every Friday and Saturday from 10pm till 4am offering help, or a listening ear, wherever it is needed.

 They work with police, door staff, council staff and medical services to help night-time visitors have a pleasant and safe experience in the town. And it works: Surrey Police says that violent crime in the town centre during weekend nights, when the Street Angels are on duty, has reduced by more than 64%.