VOLUNTEERS from St John Ambulance are offering Woking residents the chance to learn skills to save a life at a number of free first aid sessions starting this month.

The charity is offering the sessions at St John House, Board School Road, from 7.30pm to 9.30pm with a recap each week of the techniques learned the week before. The opportunity to learn first aid could be the difference between a life lost and a life saved situation.

Volunteer Jamie O’Brien is helping to organise the sessions and said: “Why not start 2019 off by learning skills that could save someone’s life? Learning first aid is simple and only takes a few hours, but it can have an incredible impact on someone’s life.

“We’re also keen to encourage local people to consider volunteering with the new unit we plan to open in Woking; no previous experience is needed as full training, including first aid, is provided. These demonstrations could offer someone a taster session, so we’d ask anyone interested to come along, meet the team, and find out more about the voluntary work we do.”

The demonstrations will be held on:

-              27 February – information on St John Ambulance and bleeding

-              6 March – how to treat choking

-              13 March – how to treat someone who is unresponsive but breathing (primary survey and recovery position)

-              20 March – how to recognise and treat a heart attack

-              27 March – - how to treat someone who is unresponsive and isn’t breathing (CPR for all ages, and how to use a defibrillator)

-              3 April – a run through of practical scenarios

For more information about the free first aid demonstrations  contact [email protected] or call 07717 715090. For information about volunteering opportunities in Woking and Surrey visit www.sja.org.uk/volunteersurrey