FIREFIGHTERS have presented a cheque for more than £1,000 to the Woking & Sam Beare Hospices charity, as part of money raised by Woking Fire Station’s open day last month.

“We run an open day at the station every year if we can, but I set out this year to make it the best yet,” said Paula Hartwell, the Woking borough commander. “We had more entertainers and stalls for the community to enjoy and help raise more funds.

“We raised over £3,000 on the day, which will be shared by the Fire Fighters Charity and the Woking & Sam Beare Hospices.”

After all the funds raised and donations had been collated, the hospices received £1,082.45.

The open day, on 14 September, offered the public the opportunity to meet the fire crews and watch some spectacular displays, as well as entertaining youngsters with face painting, bouncy castles and mini fire engine rides.

For the full story get the 17 October edition of the News & Mail